Welcome Backstage!

Hi there!

Rob Sayer

You have found your way to the backstage compound where the On Stage Lighting crew hang out.  Trouble is, you need the relevant pass so you may not be seeing very much. Yet.

If you did have the right pass, you could see a whole lot of information about professional stage lighting techniques and access to learning developed by myself as a world leading educator in stage lighting and technical production subjects.

Learn@OSL Stage Lighting Courses

This includes:

  • Unique learning stage lighting courses, activities and other lampie stuff you can’t get anywhere else (even if you are being taught lighting design and practice with me as Senior Lecturer at Bath Spa University.)
  • A private community of stage lighting learners and professional lighting tutors where people learn how to become professionals in lighting design, practice and programming.
  • Live interactive webinars on lighting.
  • Access to the people who actually make lighting happen and already make their living in lighting at a professional level.
  • 100% Ad and web clutter free!

How do I get a backstage pass?

The first step is to join the Learn@OnStageLighting Guest List.  This is how we send out offers and upcoming stuff that is relevant to you.  When a new course or discount on something that you are interested in is available, you get included in the distribution.  It isn’t a regular newsletter and your inbox doesn’t get bombarded with non-relevant stuff.

Simple fill in your details below and welcome aboard!

* indicates required

Your Current Interest

Email Format

What will I get?

You’ll receive unique information and reading targeted specifically to your stated interests – the Guest List receives stuff that is not at On Stage Lighting or anywhere else. I’ll also send you some more detail on what we are doing back here, when the next courses and opportunities are recruiting and how we are helping guys and girls who love to learn about lighting.

What happens to my details?

Very little, other than putting them in a safe place (we use Mail Chimp). I won’t be giving your name or email to anyone else, that’s for sure.

Rob Sayer – On Stage Lighting