Shit happens, But..

Fed up? Do you find that you spend too much time on things that go wrong? Does your time on shows seem to be a series of fire fighting opportunities rather than “higher lighting” (?!) opportunities?

Why do things go wrong so often? Why is equipment always letting  you down? Best laid lighting plans going to wrack and ruin while you find your self on a seat-of-the-pants rollercoaster yet again.

Is it your kit? Your crew? Your Director?

Read on and On Stage Lighting will reveal all.

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Stage Lighting Skills And The Myth of Pro Lighting

Taking common lighting complaints of our readers, On Stage Lighting looks at the really vital skills you will need to succeed as a stage lighting professional and finds a surprising place to learn them. We also bust a myth about life on the professional side of the fence. No wobbly buckets, PC console emulators or LED based duvet covers were used in the making of this article.

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Stage Lighting Terms – A Guide to Lampie Slang

On Stage Lighting presents an essential guide to stage lighting jargon and UK lampie slang for anyone who needs to understand what these weirdos are talking about or needs to blag it as a member the LX department.

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Dear Mr Speaker – Keynote Speaker Training OSL Style

In a free conference speaker training course, we are going to look at life from the other side of the lectern. As part of our Keynote Speaker Awareness Week, we are going to empathise with with this desperate bunch and remember importance of visibility on stage.

Please turn off your mobile phones.

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Stage Electrics – Lighting Distro for Dummies

A brief guide to the understanding and using of electricity systems in stage lighting, we start by looking at the basics of how electricity arrives at the stage and common equipment used in stage electrics.

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How Do I..? How To..? Stage Lighting FAQ

Readers of On Stage Lighting regularly get in touch, via the comments or  Twitter, to ask their stage lighting related questions. Many of these questions start with “How Do I…?” or “How To..?” so here’s some of the more common ones, together with some quick answers and other stage lighting resources that could help you.

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