Learn Stage Lighting – The Best Way?

If you want to learn stage lighting, there are many different ways do it. Learning lighting theory, technical equipment and lighting design can be hard enough but with a vast amount of technical terms and jargon too, stage lighting can seem pretty hard to get into. On Stage Lighting takes a look at some of the options available to help you learn stage lighting, all of which we have done too!

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Books On Stage Lighting – Reading List

Learning about stage lighting sometimes seems a mystery to those who are just starting out. Lighting design and technology can seem like black magic with all it’s strange terminology and jargon. Learning all about stage lighting is best done in a variety of ways, not least hands on experience in theatres or concert venues. Reading books on stage lighting is a great way to study the theories and practice as well as learning new stage lighting terms. Check out  our Reading List.

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Gobos – A Guide To Choosing And Using A Gobo

The gobo, one of the oldest stage lighting effects, is still one of the best, cheapest and most versatile even today. A gobo is traditionally a piece of metal, with shaped holes cut into it, that produces a pattern of light. The design of the pattern can be anything, from abstract shapes to a sign or logo, and is inserted into a spotlight at the focal centre (known as the “gate“) between the lamp (bulb) and the lenses. This guide to the gobo looks at the types of gobo currently available and gives you some tips on their use.

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