What Stage Lighting Should I Buy? Intelligent Or Conventional Lights?

Stage lighting equipment is increasingly cheap to buy. This means that some new lighting equipment, intelligent lighting in particular, is now within reach of your youth group, drama society, school or church hall. The question of “What Intelligent Lighting Should I Buy?” is often asked when the time comes to upgrade your existing lighting rig. But there are some things to consider before you go on your shopping spree and blow your budget on buying the latest in cheap intelligent lighting.

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PAR 64 Bulbs – A Guide to PAR 64 Lamp Sizes

Although stage lighting in the 21st century is all about DMX systems and robotic light spewing devices, for years the humble PAR Can was the great workhorse of the stage lighting industry, particularly in band/DJ lighting. The 1000w PAR 64 Can is the daddy of the PAR family and PAR 64 lamps (the bulbs that go inside the Can) are available to buy in different beam widths. On Stage Lighting takes a look at the different PAR 64 lamps available and their uses in stage lighting.

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DMX PC Lighting Software – Cheap Stage Light Controllers

Stage lighting control has got complicated. The availability of cheap intelligent lighting fixtures, LED colour mixers and other sophisicated lighting effect has made good DMX lighting control even more necessary. Luckily cheap stage light controllers, in the form of DMX lighting software for PC, are everywhere these days and are available to buy (or download for free!!).

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LED Stage Lighting – Why Buy RGB LED Stage Lights?

LED lighting for stage and theatrical use has never been so cheap to buy. It seem like every major stage lighting manufacturer has dived into the LED lighting fixture market while cheap imported lights mean that even a small band or DJ can get a slice of the RGB colour mixing action. On Stage Lighting has a guide for anyone thinking of buying and hoping to learn more about LED stage lighting fixtures.

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PLASA 2007 – Was It Worth It?

Another year goes by and the PLASA trade show at London’s Earls Court brings together a world of production lighting and sound equipment to the drooling masses of the laminate ‘n’ Sharpie wearing brigade. The PLASA show is the biggest showcase of the new lighting equipment that allows “lampies” to poke and prod new kit while drinking a bit too much and catching up with old friends. An On Stage Lighting writer returned to the PLASA, after a long absence, in the hope of bringing our readers a sniff of the zeitgeist in stage lighting of 2007.

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DMX Stage Lighting Systems

If you have any experience of stage lighting you have probably used the DMX512 protocol to control your lighting rig. Apart from being able to control your dimmers, DMX lighting control is at the heart of intelligent lighting, moving lights and accessories. This article explains the basics of a full DMX stage lighting system while busting some of the myths surrounding DMX lighting control.

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