Will QLab Ever Be A Lighting Thing?

A year on from the release of QLab 4, On Stage Lighting asks: “Will QLab ever really be a lighting thing?”

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Trends in Busking : The Rise Of Executors

On Stage Lighting looks at the relatively modern phenomenon of Executors in busking stage lighting setups.

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Virtual Dimmer – LED Lighting Control

The continued growth in the use of colour-mixing LED based stage lighting fixtures leads to some unique control requirements. On Stage Lighting give you the quick information on “Virtual Dimmer”. And not before time.

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Lighting Control Hardware Lifecycles

Following on from some recent discussion in the lighting control hardware vs. software debate, On Stage Lighting considers some trends in the market and the life cycle of specialist lighting console hardware.

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QLab 4 – Lighting Workflow Ideas

Following the release of QLab 4, On Stage Lighting presents some suggestions for lighting workflows aimed at users who may be unfamiliar with programming QLab and its core concepts.

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Do you have a hardware fetish?

The world of lighting control would seem to be very much about software right now.  Fans of different console platforms will argue over functionality and workflow as much as they’ll state that their favourite shiny console has the best screen tilt mechanism or power-up button.  That attention to hardware is still there, bubbling away.  On Stage Lighting asks if we aren’t suffering from a tiny bit of Control Hardware Irrational Prize-ification (CHIP).  Do you have a CHIP on your shoulder?

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